Everyone loves an afternoon on the porch with lemonade, homemade cookies and a book. I remember hours spent on the front porch with a book in my hands growing up. The most blessed part was the cool breezes rippling through the curtains Grandma hung from the eves to help keep out the mosquitoes.
There’s something about the sound of rippling fabric in the wind that still sends a chill of contentment down my spine.
Level Surface
Whether your porch is wood or concrete, be certain the surface is level and even. Wood or cement can be painted or stained, for dramatic effect, but the most important part is making sure it will sit well with furniture.
Set Boundaries
Whether the boundaries are walls or a railing, your porch should have some kind of logical boundaries. Plants work well, if you have no other boundaries, to add privacy and seclusion to a porch. Hanging draperies from the eaves works well. (Even a few porch poles can hold up a line and draperies.)
Plenty of Seating
This is really important. Seating on your porch should be inviting and comfy. Add a porch swing or other couple type seating for two, and encourage lovers to share your porch. Pillows and a comforter or lap robe add warmth and coziness to a great porch.
Tables for Serving
Don’t forget to add plenty of tables for drinks and food service. Maybe a lamp for late evening reading? The best things you can add to your porch are those that invite company to join you. Magazine racks include reading material for guests.