Are you a fan of striking colours in fashion and artwork? If you find beige or ‘greige’ to be bland and boring, colourful kitchen renovations may be perfect for you. Colour can be difficult to manipulate in the interior design context, as a bright and impressive colour that looks great on paper can quickly become grating when you are faced with it every day. Colour can be even more difficult in kitchens, as having so many different surfaces with your appliances, sink and bench tops can easily make the space feel visually busy and messy.
With some clever planning and a measured approach, however, it is possible to fill your space with colour, and still enjoy using the room. The first step to finding a colour scheme for your kitchen renovations involves collecting colour guides and paint catalogues to get a feeling for what’s possible in your space.
At this stage you can just pick out a few colours, and complements of those colours, that appeal to you as you can worry about matching the colours to your space later.
With new kitchen renovations, you can treat your space as a blank canvas on which you can splash any colour you like – unless your house is open plan there is no need to match your colour choices to anything else. This gives you a great opportunity to pick out one strong colour and use it as your overall theme. A striking and unusual colour such as watermelon pink can be used on the walls for high impact, or can be used as an accent colour on a few appliances and accessories and inside cabinets for a tasteful effect.
When planning new renovations for your home it is important to match the colours of your walls, flooring, appliances and cabinets to form a cohesive colour scheme. Choosing polished floorboards gives you more scope for other colour choices and also gives your space a warm and cosy feel.
No matter how keen you are on bright colour, it is always advisable to have a significant proportion of neutral tones in your space to balance the room out visually. Similarly, pale tones, whether a lemon yellow, china blue or creamy white, can make a room seem more spacious and will make the most of any natural light. There are no strict rules, however, for kitchen renovations, so feel free to trust your spirit of adventure and choose your favourite colours for your kitchen.